Based in Santiago, Chile, and as a Hybrid between Designer and Developer, I understand that a user interface should look good and work even better. Self-Thaught my whole career, I love the technical and visual aspects that make the experience of a web platform bolder and intuitive.
Visual Studio Code, Postman, Github, Slack, Hyper.
Figma, Invision, Zeplin, Framer, Photoshop, Illustrator.
My main tasks will be the creation and maintenance of both internal products and client-side products, within Jamstack architecture
Perform different tasks of developing new features for internal products, code review, pair programming using React JS, Typescript, React Query, etc.
Responsible for the design of the user interfaces and front-end development in React JS of the different product platforms in Haip.
Different tasks both in design and in the creation of navigation flows for the online medical agenda and internal admin platform
Carried out navigable prototyping tasks using HTML/CSS/JS for testing business customer flows on credit requests.
Creations of web designs for different agency's clients and also doing the implementation using wordpress
General graphic design to multiple agency's clients, also responsible for building Wordpress websites from scratch.
Mantenerlo simple y legible es primordial, logrado eso podemos ponernos creativos y darle un toque extra.
Por que esperar que alguien lo haga por ti cuando siempre se puede encontrar un buen tutorial que te enseñe a hacerlo.
Si no es de una manera, puede ser de otra, la idea es siempre tratar de ofrecer la solución mas factible y que cumpla con el objetivo.
Me gustan los First Person Shooters (PUBG, Overwatch, CoD, Apex Legends) y perder siempre en Fifa.
Me gusta pasar tiempo en casa en familia, pero trato de compensar con viajes fuera de la ciudad cuando sea posible.
Con 2 marcas de poleras fallidas (Hater Clothing, Fire Riders Company) espero algun dia dedicarle sufiente tiempo a ilustrar para @unluckydeath y quiza emprender de nuevo.